


We provide not only battery recycling, but also the lifecycle services for battery assets management, with league partnership.

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Sustainable Battery


We innovates battery value chain by combined AI-automation, and extended lifecycle services.

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Smart Sorting


We establish digital passport and AI-powered sorting & disassembly for used battery. The feedstock is sorted to different uses automatically in decentaliazed node facilities for further process.

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Robotic Disassembly


Robots are used to disassemble battery after sorting and testing. Qualified battery and cell are repurposed to second use, and remaining are shredded and sorted for material recovery.

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Smart Recycling

With the combination of AI automation, and extented lifecycle services.

AI-Robotics Services

Our core business with data, sorting, disassembly services offered to clients and partners.

Global Support

Extensive locations and partners for battery sorting, disassembly, second use, and recycling.

Lifecycle Services

  • Circunar Carbon Intelligence

    We provide consulting and data service compliant to EU and US battery regulation.

  • Testing and Evaluation

    We conduct quick visual inspection, sorting and phyical test. For qualified battery pack with acceptable physical condition, SOC and SOH data will be obtained, and they are usually good for second use.

  • Sorting and Robotic Disassembly

    Unqualified battery pack are disassembled into cell for reuse, or sent to further dismantle and sorting.

  • Battery Second Use

    Together with partners, we repurpose used EV battery for applications such as distributed solar energy storage or telecom tower backup power use.

  • Comprehensive Recycling

    Together with partners, we combine direct cathode regeneration and hydrometallurgical recycling together so that maximized material value recovery can be achieved .

Recycle In a Smart Way

  • Digital Passport

    Identification, testing, health estimation, and decision-making factors

  • Smart Sorting

    Sorting for second use or parts and scrap recycling after disassembly.

  • Robotic disassembly

    3D visual positioning, DNN/CNN, detection, flexible control and colloabrative operation.

  • Knowledge graph

    Info about parts, material, process and decision are continued to be learned and evloved for better performance.

How It Works?

We innovate the value chain through AI-Automation, and lifecycle services. Our goal is to improve the total battery value in its lifecycle.



Node & Hub

Decentralized smart sorting node, and comprehensive recycle hub with maximized recovery.


AI-powered Automation Services

Used battery are sorted to either second use or disassembled for further recovery.


Valuable LIB Material Regeneration

Battery components are separated, and cathode materials such as LiCoO2, NCM, LiFePO4 regenerated.


Efficient Hydro Metallurgical Recycling

Mixed feedstock are suitable for comprehensive recycling with capacity in scale.

Customers Benefits

We help to maximize battery assets value by either paying good price for customer's used battery, or signing the long-term service agreement with certain process fee and profit-sharing. And we also help to ensure the ESG compliance of customer's battery asset management.

About Us

Global Smart Recycling League Partnership

Our business model is to build the sustainable service partnership for battery manufacturer, auto maker, fleet & dealership, renewable energy company, environmental collector, telecom etc, which own or handle battery assets. As the third party, we provide AI-Automation services and comprehensive material recycling ensuring reliable carbon footprint tracking and ESG compliance.

Latest News

Dead EV batteries turn to gold with U.S. incentives

A little-publicized clause in the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act has companies scrambling to recycle electric vehicle batteries in North America,

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Everything you need to know about EV battery disposal

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Battery recycling takes the driver’s seat

Electric-vehicle demand is accelerating rapidly and so is the need for EV batteries. As these batteries reach end-of-life, significant growth opportunities in the recycling are emerging.

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